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Some good links -- Client side performance tips -- New exciting Framework, Must read. -- Very good resource to see various javaee projects and explore enterprise architecture and design concepts. -- Lots of interesting open source projects by eclipse -- the main project for supporting more dynamic languages to jvm. -- EcmaScript parser and -- Good place to learn patterns -- This will validate your website css and js -- An example of SHA1 collision attack.


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Crypto - Secret Graphy - To Write CryptoLogy - The science of secrets Symmetric Cryptography: Both the parties have the same keys. Asymmetric Cryptography: Both the parties do not have the same keys. They work on the concept of Public and Private Keys. Its also called as Public Key Cryptography. Its very expensive to encrypt and decrypt using Asymmetric Cryptography. Hence there are systems which use both Symmetric and Asymmetric Cryptography together like ECC. Don't implement your own Crypto. Its very easy to do it incorrectly. Side Channel: When you can observer properties of a function other than their functional behaviour it is called as Side Channel. E.g. Knowing how long it takes to encrypt a text, knowing the length of a particular encrypted text. In cryptography,  Kerckhoffs's principle  (also called  Kerckhoffs's  desideratum, assumption, axiom, doctrine or law) was stated by Netherlands born cryptographer Auguste  Kerckhoffs  in the 19th century: A c